Hello just a quick little post to share with you this little quote,
I think this one of the most important pictures I seen on tumblr! Tumblr is known for its quotes and beautiful pictures but this one is one of the most vital to me!
There are a lot of places and events I've chosen not to go to because of anxiety and most of the time I feel guilty for not attending when my friends wanted me to. But this has become my new motto, its 100% OK to let people know you aren't OK with things. If you feel pressured into going somewhere you probably wont end up having very much fun. Even if you do tell a friend you don't want to go or you feel unsafe and they make you feel bad, they are DEFINITELY not the kind of friend you want to be hanging around with.
I know its hard to let people into your world and try to get them to understand whats on your mind believe me BUT it can be done and you should give it a try, you'll find life a lot easier!
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